Can I link my expense provider to my Spot Club account?
Yes! When you connect your Spot Club account to your expense tracking provider, The Parking Spot will automatically send your receipts to your tracking provider. No need to hang onto paper receipts, or sort through emailed receipts.
Can I use my Spot Club Exec account for personal travel?
Yes! You will be able to use your Spot Club Exec account on both business and personal travel. Any reservations with The Parking Spot will not be shared with your company.
How do I change the company linked to my Spot Club account?
If you no longer work for the company linked to your Spot Club account or now work for a new company, please email [email protected]to have your account adjusted. Please include your new company email or a picture of your company badge.
How do I apply my corporate discount code to my Spot Club account?
Log in to your Spot Club account and click on “Account Settings” on the left-hand side. Then, click on the “Corporate Discount” option in the right column. Enter your company code and click Submit.
How can I sign my company up to receive a discount?
Please fill out the form here by clicking “Get Started” and someone from our sales team will reach out to you and get your company set up!